Friday, 11 January 2013

Museums and Gardens

British Museum on the first night- it was incredible
But possible even more incredible was the National Gallery.

My jaw literally dropped when I saw Trafalgar Square. It was exactly everything I had imagined London would be.

Tried a selfie for momma's sake. Won't be doing it again ;)

Kensington Gardens is my favourite place so far. I stayed there for four hours, playing with the manual setting on my camera.
It took ages, but I finally found the statue of Peter Pan!

The Natural History Museum is amazing from the outside...
... and even more amazing from the inside

I couldn't agree more Will.


  1. I have a question for you is it fun in England

    1. I am having a lot of fun in England! There are so many fun things to do and beautiful things to see, and I am really enjoying myself. Thanks for asking!

  2. Hi Sarah!!!! How you doing? :)


  3. To: Sarah,
    It looks like you had lots of fun in London. The Kensington Gardens defintly do look beautiful and TOTALLY AMAZING! How did you feel when you left Nova Scotia to go England? I bet you were super excited and a little scared too. I hope you are having a EXELLENT time. I've always wanted to go to go to England (though I'm not exactly sure why)
    From: Maddy (Mrs. Cotter's class)

    1. Hi Maddy,

      Thanks for your comments, I am having fun, and the Kensington gardens were completely gorgeous. You are right, I was very nervous when I left, but excited about the start of a new adventure. I hope you get a chance to see England, it is really incredible!

  4. Hi Sarah, I am Lina. I am from Korea. I am from Mrs.Cotter's classroom. I like your blog.^^

    1. Hi Lina,

      I think that is very exciting that you are from Korea! I've always wanted to go there! I'm glad you like my blog! I started it so that I could share pictures and stories of my adventures while travelling with my friends and family back home!

  5. Hi Sarah it's Melissa you are so lucky I haved allways wanted to travel to Irirland because I'm irish

    1. Hi Melissa!

      I agree, I feel very lucky to be going to Ireland! I think that's great that you are Irish!

  6. I am Lina again. But............ why did you make a blog?

  7. Hi I,m thatcher and was wondering if you saw the great hall

  8. Hi, Sarah! I'm siyool. I'm a great fan of Harry Potter. I'm glad you' like Harry Potter, too. I saw all the Harry Potter movies and read all the books. Since I know you did too,I will give you 3 questions about Harry Potter. 1)why did Harry's parents die? 2)Who killed Professor Dumbledore on purpose because Professor Dumbledore said to do it? 3)Did voltmort die in the end? Hope you know the answers. Next time you comment please send me thd answers. I will check it and send another comment. Until then, bye Sarah, I'm siyool.
