Monday, 7 January 2013

Concerning Hobbits

Hello World!

My name is Sarah and I am about to leave my home in a little town outside of Vancouver, Canada to attend school in Limerick, Ireland. This blog is to share pictures and stories of my adventures with my friends  and family back home!


  1. Hi,Sarah.I'm siyool.You should know me because I'm in Mrs.cotter's class.If you still don't know me I'm the one who asked about Harry Potter.NOW you should know me.Anyways,why did you start your own blog?What reason you did it I love it.I have a blog of my own, too. Hope you got the answer. Until you give the answer, goodbye,I'm siyool.

    1. Hi Siyool,

      Good question! I started a blog so I could keep in touch with my friends and family back home, and share some of my pictures with them! What is your blog about?

      Thanks for asking!

  2. I hope you have fun in collage and get to be a teacher like mrs cotter.Good luck.
