The last two weeks have definitely had some of the most exciting adventures of my life. I've gone from sand to snow and from sea to sky as I spent my week-long easter break rock climbing on Majorca, off the coast of Spain, and then last weekend hiking through the mountains in Northern Ireland. I have met a ton of new people and made some very close and special friends.
Where to begin...
Concerning Spain:
I don't think English has enough adjectives to properly describe what an amazing week I had in Majorca. The island was too beautiful, the rock climbing was too exciting, the people were too fantastic. There were ten of us, all members of the outdoor pursuits club, and by the end of the week we all became super close friends. I'll attach a couple of the best pictures, but I took over a thousand so the rest will have to wait until I get home (36 days, in case anyone is counting).
So that was just a taste of one of my most wonderful adventures so far!!!
And then last weekend, at the very last minute my friend and I decided to drive all night up to Northern Ireland to meet some of the OPC people who had gone up the day before to hike the Mournes Mountain range.
As always the OPC lads were a blast! The hiking in the snow was strenuous and challenging. In places were the snow was too loose or the ice too slippery we had to use ice axes to keep ourselves from sliding down the mountain. But when we finally made it to the top, there's no question that the view was absolutely worth it.
One more small adventure, yesterday was student race day in Limerick! On this day students from all over Ireland get dressed up all classy and head down to the horse races. I've definitely never been to the horse races before, and it was a ton of fun! (Despite less than ideal weather)
This Saturday, I'll hopefully be up in Dublin for the day to visit one of my friends from StFX who's come to visit, and then Sunday I'll be headed off to the Comeragh Mountians for another OPC hike!
Love and miss you all lots!